
Mr. Slim Helps Sustain the Environment

Climate change is a pressing and immediate threat to the Philippines and its people's well-being. Seventy three point eight percent of respondents from the Philippines believed it, while 24.5 percent recognize that it is an important issue that warrants attention and observation. According to a survey conducted by Statista Research Department published last March 2, 2022.

As United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) expressed, climate change and air pollution are closely interlinked, just like the two sides of the same coin. Relative to one another, reducing air pollution is also protecting the climate.

Attested to World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is the contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Typical sources of air pollution are household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities, and forest fires. These cause respiratory and other diseases and are the significant root of morbidity and mortality.

It is easy to perceive that outdoor air quality is worse than indoors. However, according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels. Meaning to say, in some cases, the air inside can be more harmful than outside.

Mitsubishi Electric Mr. Slim Series offer ways to increase air quality inside. Mr. Slim MSZ-GC Series, for instance, has a Catechin filter that has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Infused into every molecule of these filters enables them to strip the passing air of odor-causing pollutants such as tobacco smoke and pet smells. An equally important benefit is that they trap and deactivate microscopic bacteria and viruses, which can diminish or prevent the spread of some diseases. Catechin filters are easy to remove and easy to clean for the owner's convenience.

Further, Mr. Slim Ceiling Cassette (PLY Series) has fresh air intake capability where indoor air quality is enhanced significantly by the direct intake of fresh air from outside. An optional multi-function casement (PAC-SJ41-TM-E) is also available for a larger air volume intake. Filters of this model are always bacteria-resistant and designed for fresh and pleasant air conditioning.

Additionally, Mr. Slim Series helps the environment through the reduction of energy consumption. Mitsubishi Electric inverters ensure superior performance, including the optimum control of operation frequency. As a result, applied optimum power in all cooling ranges and achieved maximum comfort while consuming minimal energy.

Through improving air quality inside, it could help on the decrease of indoor air pollution, thus reducing the progress of global warming as climate change.
