
Technological Innovations Aimed at Changes for the Better

Technological innovations such as the internet brought us where we are now, enjoying the efficiency and convenience of having smart gadgets through the Internet of Things (IoT).

Mitsubishi Electric's slogan "Changes for the Better" applies to its products and services. IoT is used on M's Bridge, a global remote-maintenance service for the continuous monitoring, inspection, and data analysis of elevators via the Mitsubishi Electric IoT platform. Similar to a smart device in your home connected to a network or the internet, your elevator can be alike, except in a building.

M’s Bridge will provide a range of maintenance-management support, such as failure analysis for early recovery and formulation of optimal maintenance plans by global service bases. To improve the quality and efficiency of maintenance service, expect to contribute to better safety, peace of mind, and convenience for the customer.

A faster and more convenient elevator repair based on remote failure detection and analysis. Where remote 24/7 monitoring of elevator operation and automatic detection of failures, analysis of failure data, and identification of causes facilitate rapid repairs, contributing to improved safety, peace of mind, and convenience for customers.

Further, remote inspection data for efficient, high-quality maintenance where automatic detection and alerts, even for minor signs of potential malfunctions, enable maintenance engineers to prevent elevator failures. This is efficient, high-quality maintenance based on the collection and analysis of remote inspection data that maintenance engineers can utilize during their regular on-site inspection.
