
Co-Developing Employee-Centric Spaces for an Exceptional Workplace Environment

Office spaces have evolved. From a transactional space, it has transformed into a collaborative hub for teams to generate ideas and spur change. As such, there is a need for these spaces to feel like an avenue where the workforce can work and associate comfortably.

This shift in the office usage mindset caused a high demand for building technologies capable of creating healthy workspaces that put the employee first. Companies now invest in solutions essential to creating an environment where the priorities are the employee’s holistic development and well-being.

Prioritizing the employee’s welfare is the new framework. Building solutions manufacturer, Mitsubishi Electric, through International Elevator and Equipment, Inc. (IEE), has the right building technologies to create work environments built for our clients and their tenants.

Building Solutions to Improve Employee Well-Being

By definition, a human-centered workplace is a form of company culture. Its objective is to create a purpose-driven and enjoyable workplace experience where all employees feel valued. Apart from creating employee-centric programs and operational approaches, the concept also extends to the actual office by ensuring the office space is conducive to working.

Co-Creating Humane Workspaces

IEE adopts a collaborative approach with clients to deliver high-quality building solutions. Our process involves an in-depth understanding of client requirements, technical specifications, and a commitment to providing products that align with the unique needs of each office space.

We make Mitsubishi Electric’s diverse product portfolio available for local corporations to enjoy global excellence and quality in their building systems that are in accordance with their ergonomic infrastructure. These offerings are integral in shaping the modern office space into a conducive environment that enhances employee well-being. Clients often come with specific requests, and IEE is well-equipped to meet these demands.

  • Vertical transportation systems: Efficiency is a top priority for businesses. IEE supplies Mitsubishi Electric’s vertical transportation solutions, including elevators and escalators, that have been designed with efficiency and sustainability in mind.
  • Air conditioning systems: Comfort and safety are a must for employees. Air conditioning units with cooler and more energy-efficient features are well-sought. Air filtration units capable of being attached to these air conditioning units are also in demand for their air-cleaning capacity.

Addressing Client Requirements

Clients often seek specific technical specifications to tailor solutions to their needs. Meeting these diverse requests requires meticulous planning, coordination, and collaboration between clients and IEE. Customization and innovation are at the core of IEE's offerings, ensuring that the solutions align with the unique demands of each office space while achieving sustainable building design.

Efficiency, Speed, and Accessibility: For vertical transport solutions, clients often request elevators that operate quickly and efficiently, minimizing waiting times and travel times between floors. They also ask for vertical lifts that are accessible to individuals with disabilities to create an inclusive workspace.

Safety: Safety is paramount. Clients prioritize features such as emergency communication systems, safety sensors, and reliable maintenance practices to create a secure environment for employees.

Customization: Some clients desire customized building technology designs that seamlessly integrate with the building’s overall design.

Space Optimization: Requests for space-efficient elevator designs are common in urban settings with limited space. These designs maximize usable floor area.

Energy Efficiency: In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, clients seek energy-efficient building solutions to reduce operational costs and minimize environmental impact.

Maintenance and Reliability: Downtime can disrupt operations. Therefore, clients lean toward solutions with excellent after-sales support and maintenance to ensure smooth operations.

Innovative Features: In the era of technological advancements, clients often request innovative features like smart destination control, touchless controls, and predictive maintenance capabilities, enhancing employee convenience.

Noise Reduction: In sensitive environments, such as residential or shared office spaces, clients prioritize elevators with noise-reducing features to maintain a peaceful atmosphere conducive to work.

Sustainability: With a growing environmental consciousness, some clients request eco-friendly building technologies that align with their sustainability goals and contribute to a greener office environment. This also entails maximizing natural light and improving indoor air quality.

Clients generally often seek specific technical specifications to tailor solutions to their needs. These specifications include considerations for lead time to plan projects effectively, pricing inquiries to align products with budgets, and assurances of post-sales service for maintenance and troubleshooting. This commitment to after-sales service enhances customer satisfaction and cultivates long-term relationships, showcasing IEE's dedication to product performance throughout its lifecycle.

Establishing Client Partnerships

IEE continues to enhance communication, trust, and understanding to establish strong client relationships. This leads to a better understanding of client needs, preferences, and expectations, allowing us to tailor-fit our support.

Client satisfaction is a priority at IEE. We earn their loyalty through constant communication and addressing their needs, expectations, and feedback. Their insights are what we use to tailor-fit solutions needed in their projects. The client’s word-of-mouth is also valuable to the company. Their referrals also become our clients as we collaborate toward building excellence.

Addressing Management Risks

Conflict and risk management are vital components of ensuring client satisfaction. The “IEE approach” involves proactive communication, transparency, and swift resolution. This approach entails actively listening to client concerns, acknowledging their perspective, and proposing practical solutions. Monitoring, reviewing, and improving the recommended solutions are also part of establishing client trust and loyalty. IEE will continue addressing issues promptly, minimizing potential risks, and building trust -- these are the ways we maintain positive client relationships.

Holistic Customer Support

In creating employee-centric offices through building solutions technology, exceptional customer support is pivotal. IEE's commitment to providing holistic customer support ensures that clients receive the best possible service, from initial inquiries to after-sales support. We dedicated a training facility where our workforce learns the technical skills and customer support expertise essential to client support.

Embracing Employee-Centric Designs

We aim to remain at the forefront of creating employee-centric offices through innovative building solutions technology. We will continue providing Mitsubishi Electric’s comprehensive product portfolio that addresses each client's unique requirements while fostering strong partnerships and effectively managing potential risks. By prioritizing client well-being and satisfaction, we will continue co-creating workplace environments that improve employee well-being and productivity. As businesses continue to evolve, IEE will remain a trusted partner in shaping the offices of the future.
