
Mitsubishi Electric's Tailored Building Solutions for Enhanced Comfort and Experiences

Comfort manifests in various ways within establishments. It entails feeling relaxed and content and positively affects the overall sense of ease in a certain space.

Having the right building solutions fit for any establishment’s requirements can improve experiences, from being effortlessly navigable to having good ventilation that makes it easy to stay within the space for long periods. The most suitable building solutions not only provide world-class technology but also the assurance of world-class service.

Mitsubishi Electric’s product portfolio emphasizes establishment solutions designed to enhance comfort across various domains, including cooling for air conditioning systems, efficient transportation through vertical transport solutions, and streamlined management through building automation. Our hands-on approach allows us to collaborate with our clients to determine which solutions best fit their needs. We also train our employees to provide stellar customer service and support through available channels.

At Mitsubishi Electric, we pride ourselves on our dedication to enhancing comfort for both our clients and their customers, with International Elevator & Equipment, Inc. (IEE) serving as the building solutions concierge, facilitating access to our world-class technologies within the Philippine market.

This is how IEE defines comfort and strives to deliver it to our clients across the Philippines.

A comprehensive client approach with cutting-edge technologies

We dedicate resources to ensure that our building solutions technologies improve our clients’ establishments. By leveraging Mitsubishi Electric's cutting-edge technologies and IEE's expertise as a building solutions concierge, we ensure that every aspect of our services promotes comfort solutions for establishments that ultimately lead to the well-being of our clients and their tenants.

Achieving comfort through tailor-fit solutions

At the core of Mitsubishi Electric lies the goal of providing customized experiences and solutions to our clients. Our building technologies are designed to elevate the feeling of comfort within their establishments for an overall positive experience for their tenants and customers.

Our elevators and escalators, for instance, are designed for seamless mobility and optimal comfort. We incorporated innovative features such as system-enabled car allocation for efficient crowd management, smart technologies like smartphone call functionality for convenience, and advanced security measures such as facial recognition for enhanced safety.

Similarly, our air conditioning systems boast a range of options tailored to meet the specific requirements of different buildings. We also utilize R32 refrigerant to deliver exceptional performance while reducing electricity consumption, ensuring a comfortable environment without compromising on energy efficiency. We make sure to highlight the features that promote indoor air quality management, noise reduction, and zoning capabilities for personalized comfort (such as our Multi-Split Models) to further make one’s experience within establishments better.

Lastly, our clients can integrate their air conditioning and vertical transportation solutions through our Building Management System (BMS). This technology enables centralized monitoring and control of the establishment’s systems and devices. Through the BMS, our client’s operations can be streamlined, troubleshooting responses can be made quicker, and maintenance can be simplified. This smarter approach to building management enhances tenant comfort while reducing operational costs. By gathering and analyzing data from building equipment, the BMS assists the facilities management and maintenance team in ensuring efficient technology operation.

Epitomizing a comfortable atmosphere

We embody our commitment, "Changes for the Better" by prioritizing client comfort services through our building technologies. By promoting, installing, and making the most of our solutions, the clients and their valued tenants can enjoy various benefits that create a holistic comfortable atmosphere. These include:

  • Efficient mobility within the establishment: The ease of navigation within the establishment is paramount to ensuring a pleasant experience for occupants. By implementing our efficient layout designs and clear signage, we make it easy for individuals to move around effortlessly, enhancing convenience and accessibility.
  • Optimal indoor air and climate control: This goes beyond just installing air conditioners to ensure the client’s space is truly comfortable. By using advanced air purification systems and regular maintenance, we help create environments where tenants can breathe easily and stay comfortably for longer periods.
  • Enhanced well-being and security measures: We prioritize the well-being and security of tenants and occupants by incorporating building automation with advanced security features. These technologies promote peace of mind among tenants by allowing them to feel safe and secure within the establishment.

Ensuring the customized IEE experience

To deliver unparalleled comfort and satisfaction to our clients, Mitsubishi Electric, through IEE, adheres to a meticulous process designed to ensure tailor-fit solutions. The following steps briefly outline our commitment to understanding client needs, creating customized plans, and maintaining open communication throughout the consultation and installation process.

In the initial stage, thorough client discussions are conducted to understand their requirements and preferences. This includes considering and finalizing decisions on factors like the type of air conditioning systems or vertical transportation systems they want to be installed, the accessibility of these technologies, their energy-saving and eco-friendly features, and optimal zoning and locations within the establishment.

Following these discussions, a tailored building solutions plan is created to align with our client's needs. We ensure close collaboration during the installation process to monitor the seamless integration of our technology with the building’s design. Post-installation, our clients receive ongoing support, including maintenance schedules, surveys to gather feedback on comfort, training resources for safe technology use, and comprehensive after-sales service to address any concerns promptly and to ensure continued reliability and functionality of the technologies installed.

Tailoring for comfort

Mitsubishi Electric, through IEE, stands at the forefront of redefining comfort, convenience, and security within establishments through a comprehensive approach to building solutions. We are dedicated to enhancing the overall experience for our clients and their tenants. Through meticulous attention to detail and a dedication to innovation, we ensure that every facet of our offerings contributes to creating environments that prioritize comfort and well-being.

Our commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction underscores our dedication to setting new benchmarks for excellence in the industry. Through Mitsubishi Electric’s ongoing research, development, and refinement of building technologies, we strive to stay ahead of emerging trends and anticipate the evolving needs of our clients. By fostering collaborative partnerships and prioritizing open communication, we aim to deliver the IEE comfort standards and create transformative experiences that positively impact the lives of our stakeholders for years to come.
